2023 was our 100th anniversary. Volunteers continue to give their time and energy to ensure that League has a great future. Get involved and make a difference by volunteering.
Sign up to volunteer
Interested in volunteering with the League?
Ask our membership chair for a interest form and we’ll connect you with a volunteer opportunity that’s just right for you.
Volunteer Opportunities for League Members
Voter Services: Voter education in high schools and at community events and organize candidate forums.
Local Observer Corp: Attend city, county, or school board meetings and prepare a short report for our monthly newsletter
Membership: Invite people to join, greet attendees at meetings, mentor a new member, encourage member involvement at special events
Legislative Watch: Observe committee hearings at the legislature in area of your interest and write a short report for the League
Action: Write testimony on local or state issues, write letters to the editor for the League president’s signature
Fund Raising: Plan and organize events to raise money for LWVTSC
Hospitality/Social Events: Work as greeter at lunch meetings, schedule menus/lunches for meetings, provide desserts and snacks for events
Communication: Compile annual meeting booklet; assist with the monthly newsletter; assist with graphic arts for Facebook and handouts
Tuesday Topics: Write speaker reports, write speaker thank you notes, introduce speakers; suggest speakers
Transportation: Provide rides to League meetings
Presentations: Speak or provide testimony on League issues