logo for the League of Women Voters of Topeka and Shawnee County

Our monthly newsletter, The VOTER, provides information on League programs and events, and updates on our advocacy efforts, among other topics.

Lissa Staley, Communications Chair

Articles for the Voter are due the Friday after the monthly Board of Director’s meeting held on the second Tuesday of the month.

APRIL 2025

Calendar of Events

Annual Meeting
Tuesday | April 1| Noon | Marvin 101BC at Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library

Virtual attendance available through Zoom. 
Please follow this link to access the LWVTSC 100th Annual Meeting booklet. 

Charcuterie and Chat: LWV Member Social
Sunday | April 6 | 3-5 pm | Cafe Quetzal at 2111 SW Belle Ave., Topeka

Tuesday Topics
May 6 | Noon | Marvin 101BC at Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library

Hear updates from Kansas Reflector staff in an interactive presentation.


President’s Perspective

We’re all familiar with the saying that all politics is local.  This is certainly true as the 2025 election cycle will be for city offices and school board positions. 

The cities of Topeka, Auburn, Rossville, Silver Lake and Willard each have city council and/or mayor positions that will be on the ballot. Likewise, Shawnee County school districts — Seaman, Silver Lake, Auburn-Washburn, Shawnee Heights, Topeka/501 and Kaw Valley — each have school board positions on the ballot.  

Read the full article


Charcuterie and Chat: LWV Member Social

Sunday afternoon, April 6th, stop in anytime between 3-5 pm at Cafe Quetzal at 2111 SW Belle Ave., Topeka

Please arrive by 2:50 pm if you are contributing to our collaborative “charcuterie” spread — sign up to bring something snack-y or delish at our Sign Up Genius list.

Local Observer Reports

LWV observers keep you informed about what is happening in local government. The Local Observer Corps volunteers attend city, county and school board meetings and take notes. Read the Observer reports for the April 2025 Voter.


Tuesday Topics Summary 

Judge Karan Thadani and Rebecca Maltby explained Alternative Sentencing Court, which operates through the City of Topeka Municipal Court and offers options for those with mental health needs. Read the March 4, 2025 Tuesday Topics summary.

Book Club Updates

The LWVTSC book club meets at 11 am on the second Friday of every month. We’re currently in the Anton Room on the 2nd floor of the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library. Lunch in the Millennium Café following the discussion is optional. Anyone is welcome. Contact Carole Jordan for more information.

For Friday, April 11, read and discuss Grandma Gatewood’s Walk by Ben Montgomery.


RSVP to Elvera or Lissa if you want to attend the April 10, 2025 Nehemiah Action with Topeka JUMP from 6:30-8 pm at White Concert Hall.

Community Opportunity for Volunteering: Kansas History Day is looking for interested community members to judge at the upcoming State Competition, Saturday, April 12, in Topeka, Kansas, at Seaman Middle School. Approximate hours are 8am-2pm. Orientation, breakfast and lunch provided. If interested, contact Tracie Lamb at kansashistoryday@gmail.com  

LWV Board Highlights

  • The budget for 2025-2026 and changes to the bylaws allowing for co-Presidents were approved for consideration by the membership. 
  • Members of the new Climate standing committee will be appointed soon.
  • LWVTSC will provide voter information and registration at eight more naturalization ceremonies this year.

State League Action Alerts & Newsletter

Stay informed of State League of Women Voters articles & news.

2024-2025 Board of Directors

Check out all issues of The Voter in our archive.